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Publishing our Newsletter for the Month of April

The school is extremely pleased to bring to you the first E-newsletter for the month of April to you.

God has gifted children with uncountable abilities and talent. In order to bring out these talents school has been organizing many activities from home due to covid-19. Today's students not only need to have excellent performance in academics but also have sound and vibrant personality covid-19 with its sudden upheavals has changed our routines and Lifestyle. Each one of us and the entire world is affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Keeping this in mind we need to be prepared to take life ahead with all our activities according to the new normal. I appreciate teachers concern for the students and commitment to academics. The school is encouraging peer learning through the formation of WhatsApp groups with their teachers. Students should remain active and receptive and use the extended lockdown to learn new skills. Dear students as much as you may be missing school and your group. We are missing you coming to the school.

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